Monday, March 11, 2013

A Cool Insight

Try this, this is very interesting:

Place the tips of all fingers lightly against the corresponding finger tips of the opposite hand. Then bend the long center fingers of each hand down so that the knuckles of the center fingers touch. these represent the devil. Now try to move each of the matching sets of fingers individuallly. the thumbs represent the sons-- note how you can get action out of them. The little fingers represent the daughters -- good action there, too. The index fingers represent the mother. You can get action our of her. The ring fingers represent the father. Try to move him. You can't move Dad without raising the devil (center finger knuckles) !

So, as I read this today in a game book I recently got, I was pondering on what an analogy could be. I talked to my mom about it and she put it this way:

"Well, the thumbs are the sons because they are small yet strong and tough. The pinkys are the daughters because they are small and pettit, yet have strong qualities of their own. The pointer finger is the mother because she guides and directs the family. The father is the ring finger because that finger has the vein that lead straigh to the heart. Now, you can move all the other fingers just fine, but when Dad moves, Satan sees his chance and rears his head. And since Dad has the priesthood, Satan will make his move on the family when the Dad moves."

I thought this was a really good explaination of the activity.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


"Effort is required, but it is effor you will never, ever forget." -President Thomas S. Monson